Toybox Tangle Pack Release

There aren’t many companies working on Reaktor Blocks on an on-going basis, but Toyboxaudio are a rare breed.

David’s been working on the Tangle pack for quite a while and he was finally able to release it this week. The flagship block is the Tangle oscillator, a really interesting take on syncronised-windowed sines. Yeah, it sounds like I made that up. And maybe I did? I don’t think there is an official name for this kind of synthesis and those cover the general algorithm.

The words ‘modular’ and ‘polyphonic’ don’t often sit together, but the Tangle Pack changes that. In this pack we developed a way of handling a polyphonic signal and sending 5 monophonic signals down one (virtual) cable, and after beta-testing for quite a while, I can comfortably tell you there ain’t nothing like this out there anywhere else. Do you want fully polyphonic reverb? Or saturation? You can “just do it”.

I’ve put together a short video highlighting the polyphonic stuff.

There’s also one of my classic ‘deep-dives’ videos, 35 minutes for those who dare, which covers every aspect of the Tangle Oscillator.

The Tangle Pack is discounted right now ($45), at least for a few weeks, until it slips back to the RRP of $64 (local exchange rates may apply).

If you like synthesis, and have Reaktor (Full or the Free player), pick up this pack and start filling the air with your beautiful and ugly noises! (check the stunning sonics in the deep-dive)


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