Short-Form Sound Design Videos

The Deep-dive videos I do for ToyBoxAudio are lo-o-ong. Some breach the 30 minute mark, and all exceed the newly-calibrated, embarrassingly-low, global average attention span of 30 seconds (Citation needed).


I’m lowering the bar by making ~30 second videos for immediate and swift consumption, as your doctor advised.

Ain’t no need to wait around for fancy knob twiddles, contorted sound-design ideas or the inevitable destruction of the sound with some kind of FM process. Who wants to listen to people speaking anyway? Wouldn’t you rather have your life narrated by the voice(s) in your head?

There will be two types of these videos, initially related to the ToyBoxAudio packs and blocks, but I plan to do <as yet undefined> things with ‘the other peoples’ software. I assume this will all end in tears or some kind of disaster, so keep your wits about you and tell your loved ones you love them.

Block Stings

Focused on the ToyBoxAudio blocks, they’ll attempt to cover as much sonic ground as possible in the available 30 seconds. The first one is designed to hit the ‘low resolution’ crowd; those folks who love the shitty old grunge and artifacts of crappy old digital equipment.

Kill It With FM

These will be normal-ish ‘exploring functions’-style videos with the added wonder of FM. I like to use FM to destroy sounds, and that’s what happens in these. Mostly normal sound design stuff and the occasional interruption of FM.


I Can’t Give Up This Blend Project


Happy Birthday Paul McCartney