I Can’t Give Up This Blend Project

I understand people can get affected about art; how it touches them in a way they didn’t expect, or how it triggers a thought or memory they weren’t prepared for, positive or negative. This is the point of art isn’t it? To mirror back to the consumer themselves in a way they don’t usually see?

People get upset when art cheapens reality; reality is complex and beautiful. It is also, in some respects, simple and ugly. Some people enjoy a beautiful simplification of our reality. The position from which you sit shapes your view of reality, and what you perceive to be complex or not.

I have no idea a) where the edges of art lie or b) if there is an edge of art (“this is definitely art, but this definitely isn’t”).. I don’t even know if the words I’m using are adequate enough to explore this idea.

What I do know is that people get upset about some of the output from my Blend project. Some consumers feel they can comment about the uncomfortable-ness of the sound (of the Blend). And that’s great! And also funny. Complaints which are basically saying “the production from these two periods in music was too different - please balance them better” are entertaining to me, and also kind of missing the point of this project. That difference in production is one of the main points of the project. Ideally you’d let your ears stop trying to make of it and just let the tracks wash over you.

To celebrate this misunderstanding a few more Blends are coming.

Last week I released the Hard To Handle blend

And today a couple more are here, and couple more are coming next week

So please, relax your ears, stop judging, and just let the ugly noises waft through your head without trying to make sense of them.


My Final Blend


Short-Form Sound Design Videos