Where To Find All The New Releases

Being a music producer means I need to be in touch with the current music scenes to make sure I understand my clients, and also because I love music! It used to be that you could flick through the new releases in the record/CD stands at the record stores. But like a peanut in an elephant’s trunk, times moves on, and it’s quite difficult to find new release collections which aren’t curated; I don’t want someone else telling me what they think is good music.

It didn’t take long to find the main New Release Friday playlist in Spotify, but even that is curated.

The two sites I found which are more like data-bursts of new releases are:

everynoise.com whose tag line is “Every Noise at Once” and that concept kind of appeals to me. (yeah I could probably do that in FM). The main page is a weird list of every-single-genre-ever-to-exist-probably and because I’m only interested in new releases I use this address everynoise.com/new_releases_by_genre which gives me every release on Spotify. Yeah, it doesn’t cover physical releases or labels who don’t distribute to Spotify, but I think it captures a large chunk of global digital releases. just not the whole gamut.

With a name like allmusic.com you’d expect them to be rising to the claim, and as far as I can tell this page does, apart from possibly small physical vinyl/cassette/CD runs from garage bands and ‘outsider’ acts.


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