The Tom Petty Movie Is Imminent

That’s not the name of the movie, silly. Tom Petty has been part of my musical world since Full Moon Fever was released (quick look at my watch).. hmm 1989. Something about the way he tells stories within his songs is like no other songwriter I know of. Someone probably thinks “Eeh, but Bob Dylan?! And Woody Guthrie?!”. But Tom wasn’t political in his songs; he was human. He sings about the complex relationships we have between us, and the joy of being alive. And occasionally partying and drugs.

He was also a member of The Traveling Wilburys, taking the names Charile T Wilbury and Muddy Wilbury (the latter a reference to his previous band Mudcrutch) and they were, without a doubt, the greatest ever supergroup ever. And there won’t be another. Don’t forget, Bob Dylan was also a member. And Roy Orbison. And George Harrison. And if you forget Jeff Lynne (his main band is ELO), you might as well forget the whole damn thing.

He passed away in 2017. That was probably the only ‘celebrity’ death which affected me on the day. I mourned for him.

A year prior, at my Mother’s funeral service, I sang Wildflowers in a church, with an acoustic guitar, and it nearly broke me. That was the hardest, but most rewarding gig I ever did. I was only recently able to listen to it again without my face leaking.

His estate having been combing through the archives to put together a movie which gives us a full idea of the man behind the music. It’s funny, I think we get a great idea of who he was by listening to his music and the way he sings about people, relationships, places, love and drugs.

I wish I’d sent my extra harmony line for “I Won’t Back Down” to him before.. you know. I should send it to Jeff.

Anyway, watch the movie. I haven’t seen it, but I will. It will be free on Tom’s YouTube channel.

And, for goodness sake, listen to his music on Spotify.


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