More Of These Weird “Blend” Things

I was looking for a new way to remix songs, without needing to deconstruct them (extracting vocals, for example) and I stumbled upon this incredibly crude method of cross-fading between to pieces of music. Then I figured “if I time and pitch match a cover with the original, cross-fading between them should be musical”, so I built a simple machine in Plogue Bidule which fades between input sources so I could experiment. The experiments were successful so I continued to seek out lists of covers to force through my mechanism to see what it sounded like! And the results were equally pleasing and uncomfortable.

Here are a couple of my favourites.

And here are my latest three “blend” remixes for your enjoyment! I’d love to know what you think about this almost blasphemous activity.


The Antares/Subscription Rant, Part 1, Probably


The Final Bobby Beats Collection