Blog Post Number One

So here’s blog post number one on my official website.

I imagine this will fill up with links to interesting software, videos and probably deals and sales as they appear around me.

Interesting things which caught my eye in the last few days:

  • Soundpaint (a mysterious new offshoot from guys) are continuing their hype campaign with more teaser videos which don’t really tell us much about the thing they’ll be trying to sell us in a few months. Could be mind-bendingly amazing; or it could be a granular engine with a bit of reverb.

  • PianoTeq makers Modartt have added a beautiful feature to the latest version; felt! So rather than downloading the free Spitfire Labs ‘Soft Piano’, PianoTeq owners can switch to a preset with the felt ‘installed’. I have it and it is delicious.


Logic Stock Compressors and new UA effect