Blog-2-Blog Linking

Linking from one blog to another is probably fairly usual in this day and age, but it’s a first for me and I think the blog’s a good one.

The Science Of Sound is such a great name for a blog, or book, or documentary. I’d probably a cake with the same name as well.

Christian Luther is an audio engineer, but not in the traditional sense (of sitting in a studio recording bands, for example); he has combined expert technical curiosity with music/sound to try to make sense of this thing we call ‘sound’, and the blog is a way to share some of the beautiful maths and physics behind this thing we call sound, be it ‘real world’ or digital interpretations.

The site was not updated for quite a while but I believe that will soon change, and I would recommend all good music/sound nerds go through the old posts to flesh out their understanding of, for example: analog summing, phase, oversampling.. before he begins to add new posts.

Keep learning!


Heather Small Sang The “Ride On Time” Single


I Was A Soundpaint Beta Tester