Altering Sound Level 2

Altering Sound Level 1 covers the oldest and most used effects in music production/mixing.

Level 2 looks at more advanced audio concepts and tools.

Time Stretching / Squeezing

Sometimes you want to change the length of audio material. There many different ways to do this, and many different problems and artifacts!


Sometimes singers sing wrong notes, and players play the wrong note. How do you think about fixing, or playing with, this material? Answers enclosed in course.

Reversing Things

This is classic trick used in various different ways to create interesting textures or sounds. We used to just turn the tape around and run it backwards, but it’s all a bit more complicated now.

Multi-band Things

These tools were not available in analog days, it is purely digital audio which has enabled this. Multi-band compression and distortion are very popular, let’s look at why.


Vocoders are another product of military research, designed to transmit messages secretly. But they do so much more than that, thanks to Kraftwerk. Let’s go deep into vocoding.

Formant Adjustment

Adjusting the formants of a sound can make it ‘bigger’ or ‘smaller’, like turning a male voice into a tiny little goblin voice. Or a violin into a cello. And so much more.


This is some crazy digital technology which can do kind of EQ-ing and reverbs. It’s pretty mental. You should definitely use it.